Belgrade Online
I would like to sincerely thank everybody involved in the organization and the running of the first-ever ISE online meeting : the Symposium Organizers, the moderators in the core session as well as in the symposia, all oral and poster presenters, and all participants who actively engaged in the meeting. Without all their voluntary work, time and efforts, we would not have had this inspiring week full of wonderful electrochemistry. As the first online meeting, the task force has a positive feeling about BelgradeOnline, but of course there remain many aspects that could have been done better. All participants will soon receive a link to an online survey where you can give us feedback, and we hope that you will take the time to complete the form, as it is very important to us in our evaluation of future online conference options for ISE. Please stay healthy, and stay with us as ISE member in 2021!
Marc Koper